Penryn, Falmouth and District Euchre League

List of meetings





MEETING OPENED 7.20pm Penryn Rugby Football Club


Apologies from Dave Martin, still working will get here as soon as possible.


The chairman asked if the minutes of last year’s AGM were true and accurate, this was agreed and proposed by Les Hackett and seconded by Chris Jeffries and carried

Matters arising.


Raised by a member about the unpaid monies by Boslowick and Bobbies bar. These teams cannot come back into the league unless they pay the monies they owe. Players can play for other teams as players not at fault as the landlord/manager signed the form.


The treasurer’s report details of income and expenditure were made available. Not been audited, to be audited by Steve Rose. Bank lost forms for change of officers so cannot see the balance bought forward.

Steve Rose: Official Auditor, Proposed by Michelle Davey, seconded by Sara Stuartwood


No constitutional changes


Was bought up by the chairman about an incident at Stithians concerning the deal, and the late arrival of team.

As a result of this it was proposed by S Rose that this rule be removed and any bad deals are re-dealt by the same player. Games to start at 8:15. If late player then the first game is claimed, just the one leg at time, Proposer: Sara Stuartwood Seconded by: C. Jefferies.


Election off officers

President: Di Westwood, Proposed, C. Jefferies, Seconded, J. Nathan

Chairman: Mark Page, incumbent no contender carried

Secretary: Paul Parry incumbent no contender carried

Treasurer: Les Hackett. Proposed by R. George, seconded by S. Rose.

Vice Chair: Sara Stuartwood. Proposed Les Hackett, seconded by D. Finlayson-Tong


No correspondence.


Cup draws: draws to be done buy more than one person. N and to be a Swiss draw where by no pair from the same team, plays at the same venue in the first round.


Cup Returns

Cup missing: winners to be responsible fir cup

League fee have not gone up since 1996 when a much bigger league so that’s why there is not enough money to do individual trophies and subsides the buffet and prize money foir4 the drives...

Secretary asked to you want trophies or prize money, or les Hackett’s 3rd option. Of giving prize money to the winners at the end of the league season. . Euchre Drives and buffet carried.


 Cards.  More expensive and better cards 3 packs team. Carried.


 Website: can we add county and charity fixtures.


Rile 18 to be abolished, proposed by A. Jefferies seconded by S Rose


Cards thrown in face down, is not allowed can this rule be enforced please, to be played out please, all cards played out, captains to set the rules.



Closed at 8PM.

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